



In a session that captured national attention, the US Supreme Court delved into the pressing issue of homelessness, deliberating whether a ban on public sleeping constitutes cruel and


Amidst the towering steel bars of the US-Mexico border fence near San Diego, a surge of migrants from various corners of the globe gathers, seeking passage onto US soil.

Authorities in Massachusetts have apprehended Nalexus Palmer, a 28-year-old resident of Clinton Township, Michigan, for allegedly attempting to board an international flight from Logan

The U.S. Supreme Court has given the green light to a Texas law, supported by Republicans, that permits state law enforcement authorities to apprehend individuals suspected of unlawfully


Southern California experienced a series of seismic events overnight, with nearly 20 earthquakes rattling the region in a short span, as reported by the United States


A recent study conducted by the American organization Monitoring the Future has revealed that millennials are the most hardworking generation. The survey involved 50,000 students in the

A recent study from the Pew Research Center reveals a growing trend of Americans identifying as "nones" when it comes to religion, encompassing atheists, agnostics, or those claiming to be


The United States continues to grapple with relentless winter storms and biting cold, leading to deadly consequences that are expected to persist through the weekend, as reported by the


The Bible, featuring a protective metal cover inscribed with "May this keep you safe from harm," once belonged to Lt. Edsel J. McKnight of the United States Army Air Forces.

Thousands of congregations have exited the United Methodist Church in the midst of heated debates surrounding sexuality, particularly the acceptance of gay marriage and LGBTQ pastors.