


In Greenville, Kentucky, cattle rancher JD Hill, who switched from a Democratic family tradition to voting for Donald Trump four years ago, is poised to repeat his choice in the upcoming

election. Despite reservations about Trump's legal issues and rhetoric, Hill, like many rural voters, feels that President Biden has overlooked their communities. A recent poll by Maine's Colby College reveals that, while rural voters predominantly favor Trump, their support is lukewarm, with only a slim majority expressing enthusiasm for him as the GOP candidate.

Hill, a registered Republican, emphasizes that rural America often feels neglected in national policies, and this sentiment is echoed by many. The poll indicates that rural voters, who prioritize their communities, believe the Democrats are unable to address their concerns effectively. The economic challenges faced by rural areas, compounded by the perceived neglect during Biden's tenure, contribute to their apprehension.

Despite Trump's legal troubles, which include four indictments on 91 felony charges, the majority of rural supporters seem unaffected, with 92% indicating that a conviction would not change their vote. This unwavering support, coupled with a belief that charges against Trump related to the January 6 insurrection are "phony," underscores the unique appeal he holds for rural voters.

The poll suggests that Biden's messages are struggling to resonate in rural America, with only 35% of rural residents expressing likelihood to vote for him in the upcoming election. Issues such as infrastructure plans and broadband investments are not widely known or appreciated among rural voters, contributing to the challenge Biden faces in connecting with this demographic.

Cindy Hendricks, a lifelong Republican, aligns with the concerns of rural Trump voters, emphasizing Trump's commitment to supporting businesses of all sizes. Despite positive economic initiatives, rural voters like Hendricks remain skeptical, attributing their struggles to rising costs and inflation rather than seeing tangible benefits from Biden's policies.

As Biden aims to appeal to rural voters, experts suggest a focus on addressing economic concerns and highlighting factual positives to counter the perceived threat to rural values. The upcoming election poses challenges for Democrats in connecting with rural and small-town voters, as revealed by ongoing research by the Rural Voter Institute.

Hill, expressing concerns about a potential economic downturn under Biden's leadership, views his vote as a means to improve his community and the nation at large. Despite reservations, Hill believes that voting is essential for the greater good, emphasizing the significance of rural voices in shaping the country's future. Photo by Putneypics, Wikimedia commons.