


The EU on Friday formally established its first standalone border force, boosting the Frontex service with a new permanent corps that will number 10,000 officers by 2027.

The European Commission on Wednesday urged Greece to speed up the processing of asylum-seekers as a jump in new arrivals in its already overcrowded island camps pushed the situation to

An attempt by Poland to change the retirement age of its judges broke EU law, the bloc's top court ruled Tuesday, intensifying a showdown between Brussels and the conservative

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev says the world is in "colossal" danger from nuclear weapons held by global powers amid continued tensions since the end of the Cold War.

Ambassador Florence Robine would be asked for an explanation of the remarks in which Macron spoke of “clandestine networks of Bulgarians and Ukrainians”, Ivan Dimov, an

The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland likely broke EU law by refusing to take in asylum-seekers at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015, the top EU court's legal advisor said Thursday.

Belgian authorities have been ordered to repatriate a woman who joined the Islamic State group and her two children from the camp in Syria where she is being held, a lawyer for


English as a common language has in recent years scaled the heights of the European Union's 24-floor Tower of Babel, but will Brexit loosen its grip?

President Nicolas Maduro's government on Tuesday sharply criticised a UN-EU conference on Venezuela's refugee crisis, calling it a "hypocritical" exercise by countries seeking to isolate